Go With a CA DMV Licensed Driving School There's many driver schools in the Golden State that offer to meet your driver's education needs, but not many driving schools providing on-line drivers ed programs are licensed by the CA DMV. California-Driving-Test.com has chosen Drivers Ed Direct to provide their online drivers education program because Drivers Ed Direct is a DMV Licensed Driving School. CA DMV Completion Certificate One of the end goals of any student taking a driving school class should be to gain a DMV Form DL400C certificate of completion. After completing your California-Driving-Test.com driver's ed course, your driver's education certificate will be sent to you in the mail. Additionally, you will be given on-line confirmation of your completion certificate being processed. After receiving your certificate, take it to the DMV and they will let you take the DMV written exam to get your permit. Also choose FedEx rush delivery if you want to get your certificate even faster.
Drivers Education for all of CA |